288ZOOM.ZIP 10,628 03-22-94 Info on Zoom 28.8 Modems
32EIDE.ZIP 67,159 04-12-94 Latest Hard Disk Controller drivers from theBBS at DTC.
665.ZIP 72,642 09-17-94 Comm port fix for Pentium. If you havelockups on second access to comm port, trythese.
ASYNC16.ZIP 15,326 10-18-94 Async v1.6 is a program to open Com port 1 orCom port 2. Transmit a data string, andmonitor the modem response. Freeware.
COMADR11.ZIP 37,975 11-11-94 Com Address 1.1 Resolve hardware com port andinterrupt address problems via software
COMDOG1.ZIP 34,386 01-05-95 Locates modems & shows port # - Free COMdogis a freeware utility that sniffs out modemsconnected to or configured as PC serial portsand displays their port numbers.
CTSSPU22.ZIP 172,499 12-22-94 CTS SERIAL PORT UTILITIES v2.2: Fix commproblems. Detect multiple com ports at oneaddress, IRQ used, ports that can't generateIRQs, and other conflicts. Detects failedUARTs. NEW "Modem-finder" & BIOS options.
FCI0106.ZIP 83,297 10-24-94 FCI Fossil Compatible Interface Version 1.06New Fossil Device Driver with build-in all whSupport for multi serial board with shared irSupport for 80386 or higger Support for
FONALVE2.ZIP 14,960 09-14-94 FONALVE2.ZIP - FoneALIVE! New intelligenthardware device which guards against remoteaccess computer lockups. Monitors thetelephone line directly and detects all formsof lockups including lockups with phone line
LANTIPX2.TXT 3,697 01-31-95 IPX Setup for LanT 6.0 IPX/NDIS (unofficial)
MDMWZ303.ZIP 38,453 12-29-94 FaxModem Wizard will tell you what, ifanything, is on each of your four COM-Portsand which IRQ is connected to each COM-Port,COM?-IRQ?. It will give you a written reportabout your Modem.
MODEMUTL.ZIP 87,599 01-01-95 Add full modem control to your batch programswith MODEM. Status checking. Dialing. Even abasic terminal program. Information is sentback to the batch file via the DOS ERRORLEVEL
OFFHK30.ZIP 22,744 07-13-94 OFFHOOK Sends OFFHOOK to Comm port for DOSDESQ WIN3. This program physically opens thecomm port so that it will work while in amulti-tasking environment. FREEWARE by MaddogProductions v3.0 215-855-4621 1:2614/716
PARA14.ZIP 93,871 10-31-94 Parallel Port Information System v1.45 by JayLowe and Don Schuman Parallel is a simpleutility which displays the configuration ofthe parallel ports (LPT ports) in your system.
PRTFIX.ZIP 18,454 08-29-94 CTS PORTFIX v1.0 - a DOS TSR to prevent commport lockups on computers using the SMC superI/O port chip. PortFix uses only 704 bytes ofmemory. Most users can run it once and forgetabout it. Shareware <ASP>
R232MN17.ZIP 53,667 10-05-94 Monitor RS-232 port activities
VCNVT.ZIP 27,358 04-12-94 For New Algorithm Of R612 Voice Compression.
VCNVT2.ZIP 13,701 09-22-94 10/10/94 Voice convert routines (.EXE and .C)
WHYV34.ZIP 8,417 12-18-94 ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION AT 28.8K BPS.v12/17/94 <ASP>. Article on V.34 and V.FC("fast class") modems, phone lines,terminology, concepts, technology, problems,issues, troubleshooting, and limitations. Why
ZFAX_288.ZIP 3,977 09-08-94 Information on setting up a Zoom VFX 28800modem with Front Door and BGFAX. By Bob Dunn
ZV32BIS.ZIP 70,197 03-10-94 Operating Instructions for ZOOM Hi-speedModems
ZYX1496.ZIP 3,125 01-20-94 Microsoft Mail script file for ZyXEL 1496 se